Do you want to study abroad? How about Canada?
When a student decidesto pursue his (her) wish to study abroad, there are two aspects of this decision that a student starts his (her) research with – which course to study and where to study. While many students are aware of their interests and hence are sure of which course do they want to pursue. The trouble begins when they have to decide on the second part of their research – where to study. With the advent of technology, there is simply too much information available and it becomes difficult to sift facts from fiction. Add to this the conundrum on social media and we understand how easy it is to access information and how difficult it is to make a decision based on this information overload. It is to sort this out, has this post been written. It aims to clarify your queries related to Canada as an overseas education destination. So, let us begin by discussing some of the most common search questions related to Canada.

Why choose Canada
Canada is one of the top choices for overseas education for international students now. Whenever an applicant decides to research on countries that are known for overseas education, there are some common criteria that a student looks for. One of them is the quality of education provided by the country. After all, there is little wonder that this is the first criterion since it forms the basis of choosing a particular country. Thereafter, comes reasons like course fee, employment opportunities, selection procedure, ease of selection, culture etc. In case of Canada, one of the most striking qualities is its warm and welcoming culture that gives a very positive vibe to every student who goes there to study. So, if you are contemplating on your plans to study in Canada, following are the reasons you should consider before making a final decision:
Quality of education
Canada is well known for its quality of education. Top class universities, high tech research that supports theory with real life case studies, teaching pedagogy that aims to prepare students for corporate life and world renowned professors for every course is how Canadian education system can be briefly described as. The curriculum is designed keeping the student diversity in mind and hence is full of relevant and relatable concepts and applications from around the world. Not only does it broaden one’s horizon but also expands the innovation streak since students get exposed to a multitude of aspects related to similar problems based on who is looking at the problem and from which angle.

Rich cultural diversity
Canada is a country that is home to a multilingual community. People from different parts of the world have chosen to settle down in Canada. The reasons are plenty. Most favored among them are a thriving economy, vibrant employment opportunities, stable government, secured country to live in, focus on providing quality of life to everyone, well maintained city systems. Thus it results in thousands of people choosing Canadian permanent residency plan every year. As a consequence, over time, Canada has been able to become a rich and diverse cultural experience that presents uniqueness and alignment together in one frame. This richness is reflected in their mannerisms, art, food, acceptance of multiple languages in formal occasions (both English and French) and their warmth towards people who come and study in their country. Canada as a country is quite open to welcoming international students who can come to study in Canada and after completion, may also look for work opportunities.

Job opportunities
When the education system of a country promises to produce quality talent, then there is no dearth of job opportunities. Canada is home to a thriving economy with long term career opportunities available in financial sector, IT, hospitality, fast food restaurants, pharmaceuticals to name a few. Not just this, students are also encouraged to work after the course completion and also during the course (for 20 hours per week). The top quality education also ensures that these students have ample amount of work opportunities in India as well as other countries in the world. Canadian education system is among the best in the world and a degree from any of the universities in Canada opens the door for immense growth across various sectors in every part of the world.

Work while you earn
This is an option that is available to students in Canada right from the first day of the program. Irrespective of the course you enroll for, you will be allowed to work for 20 hours on or off campus and the best part of this is that you don’t even need a work permit for this. You can start off right from your first year. This remains a concern for some students who look for part time work opportunities while studying to meet their financial expenses and reduce the burden back home. It also helps to get an exposure of the Canadian work environment and culture. While some countries are very strict about allowing students to work only after their first year is over, Canada is quite okay with letting its students work whenever and wherever they want as long as it up to 20 hours per week.

Positive and welcoming nature of Canadians
Going to a different country for studies carries with it, a level of uncertainty since one does not know the culture fully and is not sure if the population there would be welcoming enough. This is certainly not a problem in Canada. Its diverse ethnicity lives in communal harmony and is very tolerant of international students. This comes as a big relief to students aspiring to study in Canada since a warm and welcoming environment encourages them to settle down in Canada faster and this creates a sense of belonging in them. Though you stay far from home but the mini student communities in universities become your home away from home with who you end up sharing a bond that is above racism, language and ethnicity. It is purely based on common goals, interests and a desire to excel in their careers.
Very progressive mindset
Canadians are known for their progressive mindset not only in scientific and technological progress but also on socially relevant topics. Being governed by a young and broad minded Prime Minister has its own perks and no one knows it better than Canadians. Be it an intense focus on inclusivity, their opinions and acceptance of highly sensitive social issues and a culture that embraces diversity with open arms, it is an ideal place for students to broaden their understanding of world issues and how to think above caste, creed and colour.

Low crime rates
Canada is one of the most secured countries in the world to live in. The reason why this is also a benefit is because of the parental concerns of students going to study abroad. Many times, parents abandon their kid’s dreams of an overseas education when they hear stories of excessive crime in other countries, thus fearing the worst. Canada is an exception in this. Thanks to the co-ordinated and well-intentioned efforts of the government, private sector and residents, crime rate is very low as compared to other developed countries in the world. Corruption is a cultural taboo and honesty and integrity is publicly celebrated. Who wouldn’t want to study and stay in a country wherein the entire culture revolves around promotion of good habits and co-operative living. Despite the diversity that Canada has in its population, such an integrated approach comes as a pleasant surprise but such a success story can only be explained through the logic of community well-being over self-interests.
Canada gives more priority to students who have studied in Canada and then applied for Permanent Residency than those who have never stayed in Canada for any purpose. Their logic is simple. To get a PR of any country (though specifications may vary), the main thing is the fact that one has stayed for some time in that country, displayed good conduct and has been involved in development of the country in any form. When students study in Canada, they do so for a considerable amount of time which is good enough to showcase their conduct and hence if all of that is good, getting a PR after completion of studies is easy. Hence, if you are looking to become a permanent resident of Canada after completion of your higher studies, then you may use the opportunity of your stay in Canada to your maximum benefit by putting up a great conduct, participating in various social welfare events and collaborations and (if you choose to work while you learn) develop a rapport with your employer who then becomes eager enough to sponsor your permanent residency.
Bilingual community
The official languages in Canada are English and French. So, any student who is interested in learning a foreign language may opt for this country for their overseas education. While learning a foreign language does not require one to leave his home country, but often we notice that if someone has learnt a foreign language using some course, he (she) lacks the fluency which is required to use a language confidently. The reason this happens is because such learners lack an environment to use and improve their fluency. Often, language experts recommend that one of the most effective ways of mastering a language is by being in the company of native speakers and that is exactly what a student gets who studies in Canada. A readily available environment of native French speakers to learn from and practice with. We all are aware of the importance of having a foreign language certificate in our resumes. It broadens our scope of international job opportunities in multiples. Hence, if you want all of this to become a reality for you, then you should consider studying in Canada.

Top Universities of Canada
Having understood the different advantages of a degree from a Canadian University, the next question that a lot of overseas education aspirants have, is names of the top colleges and universities in Canada. As per QS World University Rankings 2021, following are the top 10 Universities in Canada. The top 3 Universities in this list are also among the Top 50 Universities of the World.
How do I decide if I need an overseas education consultant?
To identify the best course for you
Clarity on career is a must before we choose a course to study. For a lot of us, this means attending some counseling session to understand what our interests are and what kind of career could they lead to. However, when evaluating options about an overseas education, it is imperative to understand the career implications of every course. That is when the role of astudy abroad consultant becomes very important. A lot of Canada Education consultants in India would be able to guide you on the colleges but few like GoCan would also be able to help you with course selection by mapping your interests with related courses and career options. Instead of randomly going for the most popular course or for a course simply out of peer pressure, it is always advisable to opt for a course that matches your interest and personality since it is this match that would ensure that you enjoy studying in Canada and have a fulfilling career afterward.
Confused about which country or college to choose
If you are among those students who know what to study but are unable to decide where to study or if you have been overwhelmed with the information overload online about different countries for overseas education, its time you consider reaching out to overseas education consultants. For convenience, you may narrow down your search for your city or state. Say, if you stay in Punjab, you may look for a Canada Education consultant in Punjab. AtGoCan, we have an entire list curated for every country and course and we match it up with the criteria given by the students to come out with the best fit college and country. This customization helps students to choose a course and a country that fulfills their criteria completely.
Need help with admission procedure
One of the common problems that an overseas education applicant faces is lack of clarity of the admission procedure. With the university websites being an ocean of information about the varied courses and colleges within its paradigm, it becomes a herculean task to understand the admission procedure of a specific course. There are so many common documents to fill and yet different sets of documents required specifically for your chosen course that it gets chaotic to the core and this increases the chance of missing out on something or the other. With a localized education consultant (say you are in Ludhiana then you may want to look for a study abroad consultant in Ludhiana), not only does this understanding become clearer, they can also help you keep a track of the documents and suggest alternatives if required. In fact, one of the most common suggestions that professionals who have completed a part of their education abroad, give to their younger counterparts is – Get a Canada education consultant in Punjab to multiply your chances of selection!
Have questions about documentation
One of the primary reasons to opt for a study abroad consultant is to get clarity on documentation. This is one of the most important aspects of selection in college as well as getting a student visa. Many times, questions are on the understanding on some of the technical terms used by universities, other times it is to get an understanding of alternative documents. Whatever be the case, with an education consultant, all your questions get answered in an efficient manner.
Not great at creating essays/SOPs/LORs
A lot of students might it difficult to write essays or statement of purpose or Letter of recommendations. With the experience that good Canada education consultants have, it becomes very handy to write such essays. Here, it is critical to remember that this essay is not just a formality but is one of the ways that an admission officer evaluates an applicant’s suitability for the course and visa.
Need help with entrance tests and language proficiency tests
Two of the critical steps in selectionare the entrance test and language proficiency scores. These are tests that require preparation and focused hard work. An overseas consultant that also provides coaching on how to clear the entrance tests and language proficiency tests is what you would need if this is an area of concern for you. Here, an important tip to remember is to look for consultants located in your area so that you may reach out to them for help anytime. Say, you are from Ludhiana, it is advisable to check out the Canada Education consultants in Ludhiana. This way, you can avail classes online or offline as the case may be.
Need a practical session on sensitization towards Canadian culture
Understanding and coping with a foreign culture is an anxiety issue for some aspirants. One of the ways to overcome is to get in touch with a specialist who deals with coaching and preparing students mentally on ways to cope with this transition. We, GoCan, are the only overseas education consultant in Ludhiana to have specialized classes and mentoring sessions on this topic for any student who may require this. Social anxiety can become a great dampener of spirits and hence it is important to nip it in the bud!
Looking for a specialist who can create a hassle free system for applying to universities in Canada
Some students have a tendency to prefer doing it all by themselves. This also means risking their chances of selection since a slightest error might lead to a rejection immediately. So, if you are someone who wants a hassle free system to apply and secure a seat in any of the universities in Canada,then consider going tostudy abroad consultants. You will notice a great difference!